“Terminal” by Talos Gidding

He teeters down the hallway, past valets, past cleaners. Snaking down the maze of lavish corridors. Of the Brunston Arms Hotel. His body is light as a ghost’s. Floating. His heart pounds, threatening to burst from his chest, or force its way up his throat. His feet barely skim across the floor. He glides over... Continue Reading →

“Zoetrope” by Mark Ward

A change in the quality of light, an eyebrow twitch, my father’s backlit body haloed in the door frame reflecting the impending - this is what getting caught means; being unable to move, wishing the world away from this, terror filling hollow limbs, shared spit absolved by emptiness, knowing that this is the end of... Continue Reading →

“Deceiver” by Chiara Engesser

Part I   Sparks bursted into the deep blue night, as the the last piece of evidence for those poisonous feelings and memories was swallowed by the flames. The pain behind the black ink seemed to fuel the fire like it knew it was dying but wanted to mangle Her one more time on its... Continue Reading →

“Holburn Station” by Bethany Garry

The flower that grew under Holburn Station where we had once laid great plans of love, grew taller in the summer months, when we drank to excess and I felt your fingers against my instep – heady and laughing, falling always towards the endless days of sunlight, when we grew in joy.   Now the... Continue Reading →

“Dwelling” by Cúnla Morris

I was told that the only home I could ever have was a never-ending you. And sure, sometimes it was nice - when warm light leaked on us as we lazed about for hours, But times became sour, and all we did was ignore ourselves. Everything was never enough. And I stayed in this rhythm,... Continue Reading →

“Home” by Tagdh Dolan

Home is a difficult Word to find Through lightning and thunder A careless find It comes in soft whispers On cold winter nights Through lovers’ eyes And twinkling skylight I thought home Was with you Until you took flight Now it’s sweet nothing A blackened skylight My home is in moments When anarchy stands still... Continue Reading →

“Exemplar” by Mark Ward

Nothing has been touched for authenticity. The dirt, their lives scattered across this makeshift romance; beds easily pushed apart, bodies indent just like hearts living for incognito weekends away from friends, parents, a life of false starts, pretence. They notice only sanctuary, a door shutting out the world erasing borders, boundaries. This is their chance,... Continue Reading →

“Fifty Years” by Raven

There are no white lines on the road; the divisions are invisible. Out of the window I play at catching the wind in my palm and feel it pull through my fingers the way Burma shave slogans along the highway -- Equality. Solidarity. Heroism. Altruism. Unity. Struggle -- become the wind felt in passing and... Continue Reading →

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